Women In The Wind International, Inc. (WITW) is an international women’s motorcycle organization, founded in 1979 by Becky Brown (an AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee).

The WITW Sol Sisters San Diego Chapter was founded in 2001. We are a diverse group of women, united by our passion for riding motorcycles. We have a regularly scheduled meeting and ride the 3rd Saturday of every month. Riding once a month isn’t nearly enough, so we also have pick-up rides and participate in motorcycle related fundraising events throughout the year.

Membership in WITW is open to all women who own and/or operate a motorcycle (all makes and models welcome). Chapter members are required to hold a valid driver’s license with appropriate endorsement and insurance, as required by the State of California.

Interested in learning more or becoming a member? Send us an email

Women In The Wind International, Inc. website